Finding the Balance: How to Juggle Work, Relationships, and Personal Well-Being

Feb 23, 2024 | Building a Better You

Ah, the elusive art of balance—a term we’ve all heard but often struggle to manifest in our daily lives. My friends, living a balanced life is not just an aspiration; it’s a necessity for our overall well-being. 

Do you ever feel like you’re being pulled in multiple directions, and no matter how hard you try, something always seems to slip through the cracks? Believe me, you’re not alone. 

But here’s the kicker: finding a balance isn’t a mythical unicorn. It’s entirely achievable, and I’m here to guide you through this journey. 

The Three Pillars of Balance

Work: It isn’t just about clocking hours and bringing home the bacon. It’s about fulfilling your life’s purpose and manifesting your passions. Do you wake up excited to start your day, or is work making your mornings dreadful and draining the life out of you?

Relationships: Whether it’s your family, close friends, or significant others, these are the people who add color to your life. But, be honest—how often do you find yourself canceling plans because you’re just “too busy”?
Personal Well-Being: This isn’t just about those sporadic self-care Sundays, it’s about holistic well-being —mind, body, and soul. Are you nurturing each of these aspects intentionally?

How Each Pillar Impacts the Other

Let’s connect the dots. If your work life is overwhelming, you’re less present in your relationships. This emotional distance can then lead to stress, which doesn’t do your personal well-being any favors; it’s a ripple effect. We must recognize this interconnectedness and act deliberately to harmonize all these facets of life.

Identifying Imbalance

These are the most common signs of imbalance:

  • Constant Fatigue: Do you feel like you’re running on empty? Listen to your body. It’s your most honest critic.
  • Decreased Productivity: Ever found yourself staring at the computer screen, wondering what happened to your drive? Decreased productivity is a red flag. Pay attention.
  • Strained Relationships: Are arguments becoming the norm? Is emotional distance creeping in? Your relationships deserve more, and so do you.
  • Neglected Self-Care: If gym memberships are collecting dust and fast food is your new best friend, it’s time to reassess.

Reflective Journaling: An Effective Self Assessment Tool

Recognizing imbalance is the first vital step towards creating a more harmonious life. One incredibly effective tool you can use for this is reflective journaling. What’s remarkable about journaling is its ability to give you perspective—almost like you’re having a candid conversation with yourself. 

Here are some prompts that you can use  as you begin journaling: 

What did I learn this week? This question isn’t just about what you learned professionally, but also personally. Perhaps you discovered a better way to manage stress or realized you need to prioritize family time more.

What am I grateful for? Gratitude is a grounding practice that provides context to what truly matters in your life. In the middle of all the chaos, what made you smile?

How did I cope with stress or challenges? Understanding your coping mechanisms—whether they’re healthy or unhealthy—is essential for improvement.

What can I do better next week? No one is perfect, and there’s always room for improvement. This question helps you set actionable goals for the days ahead.

Strategies for Achieving Balance

Research-Backed Strategies

Email Management and Productivity: According to a study by the University of California, Irvine, workers who checked their email only three times a day reported lower stress levels and higher productivity than those who checked more frequently. So, let’s reassess our email habits, shall we?

Exercise and Mental Health: A meta-analysis of 23 studies found that physical exercise can significantly reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. This underscores the necessity of incorporating physical activity into our routines.

Deep Conversations and Well-Being: A study by Harvard Business School and Boston University revealed that people who engaged in deep conversations reported higher levels of well-being and happiness than those who had more casual exchanges. So, let’s skip the small talk and dive into more layered discussions.

Practical Tips

Chunking Tasks: Use a planner or a calendar to organize your tasks by categories, deadlines, and priorities. For example, you could group your tasks into ‘urgent’, ‘important’, ‘routine’, and ‘optional’ categories and tackle them accordingly. A structured approach can make your mountain of tasks feel like a more manageable hill.

Set Boundaries: Be clear about your availability to colleagues, managers, clients, and family members. An auto-reply message on your email or phone stating when you are not available and when you’ll get back can be a lifesaver. It’s about being honest and intentional about you having control of your time.
Connect With Purpose: Dedicate time for meaningful conversations with the people who add value to your life. Whether it’s a weekly call with an old friend, joining a book club, or volunteering for a cause you’re passionate about, these are the interactions that fuel your soul.


Balance isn’t a final destination; it’s a fluid state of being that demands your active engagement. It’s about making thoughtful decisions every day that align with what’s most important to you. 

I’m not promising it’s going to be easy; anything worthwhile rarely is. But let’s commit to this incredible journey together. 

And hey, it’s okay to stumble. What matters is your commitment to stand up, reassess, and keep moving towards a balanced life filled with purpose, love, and well-being. So, are you ready to take that first step? Your future self will thank you, and mostly, celebrate you.
Do you need the help of a mentor to find balance in your life? I’m Jeff Meyer and I’m a dedicated life coach who has helped many entrepreneurs and creators like you build a life around their specific needs and aspirations. A life balanced on what works for them, without taking away from other important aspects of the human experience. Let’s connect!

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